Becoming a Business Magician
Everything is magical. The breath is magical. How our heart continues to beat without us having to remind it to do so is magical. I really feel we describe things as magical when we can’t fully understand them. That inability to understand them comes from the fact that we’re trying to see them and understand them through our ego, our human mind instead of our spiritual consciousness. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not physical beings having a spiritual experience. We get that twisted somewhere along the way. That’s the world of the matrix. Us believing we are human beings, this flesh and bone body, and magic is something outside of us. But that’s bullshit. We’re this beautiful never-ending, ever-evolving nonphsycial energy. Nonphysical consciousness. The essence of what we call magic is exactly what we already are innately.
So it’s all magic to me and the only reason I use that word is in some attempt to connect with the human mind we’ve put so much clout into. Because you believe that magic is something unique or rare. It’s not. It’s everywhere. In everything. You are magic. Magic AF. Your business is magic. Each decision or creative solution of your business is magic. As I unfold my thoughts and ideas on this screen, I’m tapping into my business magic.
You started your business from a place of desire to solve a problem and create a solution. You stepped out in faith into the unknown. You choose to have faith in the unknown which leads you to discover the dope ass potential of your creativity. Your willingness to explore the unknown through faith opens up an entire galaxy of possibilities. Those galaxies expand and evolve allowing you to go deeper within yourself and align with your purpose. Taking aligned action brings your faith and creativity to life. The magic happens when your faith and dreaming are met with your aligned, inspired action. And then you become a magician-a badass business magician.
So back to creating business magic, magic is whatever you choose to define it as. And I say, define it all as magic. Business is magic in the making. If you see everything in your business as magic, from sales to marketing to the creation of new products and services all the way to the experience you create for your customers, you’re in a very powerful place.
Begin to see yourself as you truly are. This divine being, this nonphysical energy, flowing through your body and mind. Allow yourself to connect to that inner being because you know it when you do. It feels like home. It feels easy and it flows. It feels like you can’t explain it but trust me, you can. You just gotta unfuck all the shit the world has told ya in an attempt to keep you small or limited. You’re the only one who places limits on yourself, no matter how much it may seem like the outside world is doing it to you, it’s you. It’s always you. So embrace that knowledge. Let go just a tad and lean back into the divine essence of who you are. Allow yourself to be the magic, feel the magic, create the magic.
How do you find the magic in your business? What does it look like to see every aspect of your business thru the lens of magic? Comment below and let’s get unfucked together.