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Musings and Vibes-a blog by bg

Take A Beat To Acknowledge

Brooke Giguere

I'm in my car, driving home from the event and that thought pops into my head. I grin and turn up the radio to jam out for a second.  But before I can even get the thought out of my head, my phone dings. It's my Google Calendar alerting me to my next agenda item for the day. My afternoon is packed with writing, planning new workshops, and this new marketing course.  There is always more to do when you are chasing your dream life.  Goals upon goals.  Action items fill my calendar.  Once one item is complete it's on to the next. But how often on our path toward a large goal do we take time out to celebrate our successes? Big or small?  

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Looking at My 'To Do' List like..."I think I need a glass of wine"

Brooke Giguere

Holy hell and Happy Monday to me.  Just looking over my ‘To Do’ List for today and the rest of the week.  Ambitious describes it best.  I set some intense goals for myself to round out the end of the month and I know damn well I can accomplish them but I kinda freaked this morning when my reminder notifications started dinging on my phone.  I set goals big enough to stretch me but not so big that I set myself up to fail, so what gives??  Why am I feeling the pressure?

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Jump, Baby. Jump.

Brooke Giguere

Got a little riddle for ya today.

Five frogs are sitting on a log.  Four frogs decide to jump off.  How many frogs are left?

…Take your time and give it some thought.  But not too much thought, this is supposed to be fun.  Ready for the answer?

Five. Yup, FIVE.  

Four of the frogs only decided to jump off the log.  But none of the frogs actually did any jumping.  They are all still chilling on that log.  Hmph


There is a big difference between "deciding” something and “doing” something.

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