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Over Here Transforming In a Surprising, Magical Manner

Musings and Vibes-a blog by bg

Over Here Transforming In a Surprising, Magical Manner

Brooke Giguere

“Are these your cut up credit cards?”, I hear from the TV.  I’m watching Grandma (2015) with Lily Tomlin and I’m cracking up.  Her granddaughter is sitting on her porch and notices an interesting windchime above her.  Lily’s character replies back, “yes those are.  I’m transmogrifying my previous pain.  I paid off all the debt I owed and so I decided to create this beautiful piece of art by cutting up my credit cards and making a wind chime.  That way I won’t get into debt again, can’t use the cards.”  

Ok, I’m paraphrasing here so that’s not the exact wording but that’s the gist of it.  

That word hits me hard...transmogrify.  I’m a huge lover of words, especially long ones.  I crack open my handy dandy dictionary via Google search engine and type in Transmogrify.  I’m full of excitement as the page loads and I read, Verb, humorous, meaning to transform in a surprising or magical manner.  This word is everything I want to embody.  I immediately think this is what I do all day as a coach but I take it one step further as I debate my one word for the year 2022.  My word for 2020 was FUN and I kept it for 2021 cause well, yeah.  Focusing on fun was rough at first given 2020 but I found it and more importantly, created it in 2021.  

So it’s time for my one word for the new year and what better word than Transmogrify.  Sometimes my clients tell me what I help them do is magic.  And perhaps that’s true but I’m more inclined to create our magic all day everyday.  That means understanding that magic and miracles are our natural state of life but we get too bogged down in the bullshit and think those things are rare.  Hell no.  We have the power and ability to create magic anytime we desire.  Like Lily did with her credit cards, she took something that was full of contrast and problems and paid them off and then turned them into art.  Thereby creating not only something pretty for her to enjoy looking at all day but also stopped her from using her cards and going back into debt.  

I love the idea of taking our shit, our contrast, all those times when life throws those curveballs at us and transforms it in a surprising or magical way.  Not just turning lemons into lemon drop martinis, but creating magic.  So what this means to me on a deeper level is we understand and appreciate our contrast, our shit.  We realize that in order to evolve as people we gotta come up against shit we don’t like.  Experiencing things we don’t like helps clarify what we do prefer.  Sometimes we also think we know what we want and then when we do experience it, we want more or we want to tweak it.  That’s contrast and we grow from it.  We enjoy learning, growing, solving the puzzle so to speak.  So why not intend to do all that from a place of transmogrification?  

Well ladies and gentlemen, that’s exactly what I plan to do all of 2022 and beyond.  I’m gonna create magic and transform all kinds of things in surprising ways.  I’m a transmogrifying machine.  Transmogrify my health and body.  Transmogrify my business and clients.  Transmogrify my relationships and love life.  All of it.  I want magic dammit.  And magic I shall create.