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Musings and Vibes-a blog by bg

Filtering by Tag: leadership

Fantastic Fuckups and Failures

Brooke Giguere

Failing at things has never been something I sought out. Failure left a bad taste in my mouth and definitely wasn’t something to be celebrated or encouraged.

Failure is a natural and expected part of success. If you’re gonna be in business for yourself, failure is for sure a part of the infinite game. So I’m challenging you and myself to redefine failure.

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Sweet Sleep, Why Do You Escape Me??

Brooke Giguere

I can see how tired I look after a shitty night’s sleep, bags under my eyes and puffy face. Others can see it too. Fuck it all to hell. I don’t want to be sleepy and look like it too!?!

When your health isn’t optimal like maybe you got a cold or a headache, your ability to function at high levels is gonna be slowed down. Physical factors such as health, sleep, nutrition, body image, breathing, exercise, and injury/illness all influence our core energy. There are six influencers that enhance or detract from our core energy and physical is one.

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