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Musings and Vibes-a blog by bg

Filtering by Category: leadership

Sweet Sleep, Why Do You Escape Me??

Brooke Giguere

I can see how tired I look after a shitty night’s sleep, bags under my eyes and puffy face. Others can see it too. Fuck it all to hell. I don’t want to be sleepy and look like it too!?!

When your health isn’t optimal like maybe you got a cold or a headache, your ability to function at high levels is gonna be slowed down. Physical factors such as health, sleep, nutrition, body image, breathing, exercise, and injury/illness all influence our core energy. There are six influencers that enhance or detract from our core energy and physical is one.

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Don't Only Face Reality, Create That MF

Brooke Giguere

OK, so you’re on autopilot mode and you know you are. That’s great. Can’t change anything that you’re not aware of so at least we got that. Awareness creates options.

There’s a thing I’m always saying to myself and to my clients… “don’t just face your reality, create that muthafucka”. Facing reality means only looking at what is and expecting it to change. Creating reality means acknowledging the “what is” but then connecting with what it is you desire now.

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Becoming a Business Magician

Brooke Giguere

You started your business from a place of desire to solve a problem and create a solution. You stepped out in faith into the unknown. You choose to have faith in the unknown which leads you to discover the dope ass potential of your creativity.

The magic happens when your faith and dreaming are met with your aligned, inspired action. And then you become a magician-a badass business magician.

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