Hey You, You're Paddling Upstream
Brooke Giguere
Lean. Back.
That’s how I intend to be more and more. That’s the feeling I wish to feel. The feeling of allowing, of receiving. The feeling of trusting in my life and in my power. That’s how I want to be more present. That’s one hundred percent how I want to be more present with the people in my life. Since my dominant intention, every day is to feel good, I notice that I feel better when I lean back and trust. When I get in this moment, here and now, and connect with myself. When I can feel the sensations in my body. When I can hear the sounds around me. When I can see the sights around me. When I can smell whatever is wafting through the air. That’s being present to me. That’s allowing myself to connect.
The idea of trusting in the flow of life is very different than how I was taught and may be different from how you were too. I was taught to get it done cause no one else was gonna do it as I could. I felt the need to control everything and everyone around me in order to somehow attempt to create the outcome I so desired. Sometimes it worked but it never felt good cause there was always more to manage on my plate. More shit outside of myself that I needed to think about and needed to orchestrate.
As I’ve studied coaching and the law of attraction I’ve learned that the only thing I ever really have true control over is my damn self. Period. Me, my emotions, my thoughts, my actions, my response to life. People don’t like being controlled or manipulated. How do I know that? Cause I don’t like it and well, duh. It’s easy to say that and it makes sense logically yet we’re all out here doing things and saying things with hidden agendas in our attempt to control the situation or the people around us.
I’m giving that up and choosing the present moment. I’m choosing to pause and breathe. I’m choosing to understand my triggers and connect with what I’m feeling. I’m choosing to lean back and trust in the flow of life. I know it’s weird sometimes and it definitely doesn’t end but I’m getting better and better at it. I’m able to catch myself in the moment more often and as I practice the art of allowing, I can remind myself to let go and relax. Which then opens up my true power to align with the moment, whatever it may be. From that new place of alignment and connection, I take action. I consciously choose my thoughts and next steps. I’m in the moment. Feels better and better.