The Best Part of Waking Up Is Bailey’s In My Cup!
Brooke Giguere
Is it really the holiday season if your coffee doesn't have baileys in it? I think not.
To set the record straight, I see every day as a holiday and celebrate as such. But where I do add in some holiday cheer along with the rest of y’all is with Bailey’s in my morning coffee. Starting somewhere around Thanksgiving through New Years’ to be exact. This year though, I started early. Like Halloween early. Eh, COVID, it felt like I wanted to celebrate this season early. Live in the moment. Be in the now. Ya feel me?
I haven’t celebrated a traditional holiday in almost a decade. Not Thanksgiving, not Christmas, or New Years’. Definitely not Valentine’s Day or St. Patrick’s. You’re probably like most people when they wish me a ‘happy this’ or a ‘merry that’ and my response is ‘thank you but I don’t celebrate holidays, every day is a holiday’. I get weird looks. I get uncomfortable moments of silence. From time to time I will get the ‘oh really? Why not?’. Not everyone gets a response because not everyone is gonna be able to vibe with me. Plus, I do me. It’s not about me trying to bring people over to my side of the fence. I’m just doing what’s best for me and I fully honor others’ desires to celebrate how they choose.
I had a convo with a guy I was seeing at the time and something clicked. I started wanting every day to be a holiday, not just on some designated day by ‘them’ whoever they are. It never felt good to me to eagerly await Friday, dread Monday and ride the rollercoaster up and down during the week. Same thing with holiday breaks. It’s a mindset shift. Why delay happiness, love, appreciation or whatever else until some holiday? What prevents us from seeing every moment of our current day as a holiday? I don’t know about you but I want to celebrate every day. I want to appreciate as much as I can every day, not just Thanksgiving. I want to give gifts and love and spend time with family as much as I can, not just on birthdays or other major holidays.
I started small because this pattern of waiting to celebrate was deeply entrenched. I started using my ‘good’ perfume every day. I used the fancy wine glasses and the guest towels after showering. Besides, I’m just as worthy of super soft, fluffy towels as my guests are dammit. Then I began to focus on celebrating my wins every night when I went to bed. Some days my wins were smiling kindly to strangers, other days my wins were closing deals for my business. Point being, I intended to acknowledge any win, big or small, every day. What I noticed was the more I celebrated every day, the more I had to celebrate. Energy attracts like energy. And since we’re told to feel all these intense joyous feelings on holidays, I chose to do that every day instead of waiting. Even on the days when I’m in my shit, feeling off or edgy because I’ve chosen to believe that every day is a holiday, I celebrate the fact that I woke up and didn’t punch anyone. I’m not telling you to be all fake Pollyanna bullshit. I’m asking you to get curious and see where you might want to be more intentional with how you interact with your own life. Joy and happiness are inside jobs. You don’t have to wait for the weekend, or the holiday or for any other reason to feel good and celebrate. That’s always available for you if you’re open and interested. Start small like me. You got this.
May all your days be holidays and may your cups be filled with (insert favorite liquor here) Cheers!