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Fuck The Shotgun Approach, Call Me Annie Oakley

Musings and Vibes-a blog by bg

Fuck The Shotgun Approach, Call Me Annie Oakley

Brooke Giguere

Did you know shotguns have a nickname?  They’re called “scattergun” .  That’s because rather than sending a single projectile downrange like a rifle or Glock, it sends a payload of multiple shot pellets.  They scatter their pellets at their intended target hoping that something will hit.  But with a handgun or rifle, the shooter has to focus on their target and where they intend to hit their target in order to create success.  It’s like that in your business too.  You’re either doing everything, on every platform for everyone or you’re honed in on your target audience.  Understanding where your ideal client lives and plays, understanding what offers you have that best match their desires is where it’s at, baby.  

I’ve been speaking on your niche, understanding your ‘why’ and focusing your mindset on these things a lot recently.  Even if you’ve been in business for a minute or you’re just getting started, this is important to revisit.  Get some clarity.  You’re not for everyone, nor do you wanna ain’t Vanilla, you’re Butter Pecan dammit. But in order to live out your best Butter Pecan vibes, focusing your efforts and intention is key.  When you desire to reach your people and get them your stuff, be it services or products, you gotta be a Glock baby.  That all begins by knowing your niche, your client avatar AKA your people.  Next you gotta know WHY you do what you do.  Not what you do. Not how you do it.  But WHY.  If you haven’t already, go watch Simon Sinek’s TEDTalk on Start With Why here.  I highly recommend his book by the same name to help you better understand your business WHY.  

When you know who you serve and why you serve them, marketing your business flows.  Making decisions on what clients to say yes to and where to find them becomes a breeze.  I did this in the beginning of my business by trying on a few ideal client avatars until the real people organically showed up.  I suggest you determine your WHY first as this will help you identify your people.  For example, my WHAT is helping business owners become conscious leaders.  I do that thru coaching, consulting and speaking (HOW).  My WHY though is deeper than that. Seeing the glimpse of genius in my clients so they have businesses that are sustainable, profitable and create legacies for the minority community is my mission.  I do what I do to help them create a new story for minority business owners and to set new standards for their own freedom and security.  My WHY is about their freedom and security via freeing their mind and vibe.  

Another thing about being Ms. Annie Oakley Sharpshooter is understanding yourself and your strengths.  With so many platforms and ways to reach your client market, focus matters.  If you’re focusing on the latest trends you’re gonna get caught up in shiny object syndrome.  Determine what works best for you.  You hate being on video?  Then by all means, don’t force yourself to do IG Reels.  Can’t stand writing? Stop trying to write blogs or ebooks.  Find what you’re naturally good at and see what platforms match that.  Now look at the places where your ideal clients hang out.  LinkedIn or Instagram, Facebook or Clubhouse and so on.  Take what you love to do and see where that overlaps with where your client is kicking it.  Focusing on trends in marketing that aren’t in your zone of genius or where your clients live is a piss poor way to expend your time, money, mental and emotional energy.  

So my fellow Sharpshooters, don’t be a shotgun.  Leave the shotgun approach behind.  Besides, its way easier and more fun to convert your people than to drag and convert everyone else kicking and screaming.  Let me know how you’re gonna focus in the comments below and always hit me back with any questions.  Cheers!!